posted 05-12-2005 07:52 AM
Paul Ekman's findings are well researched and accepted. He has found that certain facial expressions correspond with certain limited emotions - regardless of one's culture or background. He teaches people how to recognize emotions via facial expressions. His CDs, which I have and think everybody should get, teach you how to recognize facial expressions and what are known as micro-expressions.What Ekman says (in short) is that the emotion one is feeling makes it to the face before a person even realizes what he is feeling. Once a person realizes his expressions (non-verbal behavior) is leaking out, he quickly takes control of it and stops the full expression or masks it, usually with a smile. The "leaks" last only a 1/5 to 1/25th of a second.
What Ekman looks for is an incongruity in what one is claiming and what one's facial expressions - which are more reliable - are saying. Any difference is viewed as suspect and in need of further inquiry.
He also looks at other micro-expressions, such as shoulder shrugs, as indicators of a lack of committment. (What you see is a slight lift of one shoulder in a fraction of a second - the start of the "I don't know" or "I'm feeling helpless" expression.)
I was suspect at first, but with one CD you can learn to identify the micro-facial expressions in about an hour, so it doesn't take long. He's been teaching law enforcement for years, and they go from chance to about 85% accuracy in a short time.
For a really good explaination, read his very inexpensive book, "Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage." His new book, "Emotions Revealed" is also good.
Here's his web page:
As you can see, I think very highly of Paul and his work.